# Actions Id Name Category Site Date Author Description
The Battlespire v1.1 Dongle Fliggerty 2011-10-12 Dongle Any noble sage will have heard the legends of the Battlespire, it's creation, overthrow by the forces of Oblivion, and it's downfall. Now, a fragment of that legend has returned to our time, and hovers over the town of Sadrith Mora. A mighty hero is needed to discover the secrets of The Battlespi...
Forces of Oblivion Miscellaneous MMH 2011-03-13 Cydriic Hello and Welcome to Forces of Oblivion  
This mod enables you to keep on fighting stronger foes until level 50.  
There are three new 6th house foes and four new Daedra foes:  
Lvl 30 Master Sleeper  
The Battlespire v1.0 Houses MMH 2009-05-12 Dongle Any noble sage will have heard the legends of the Battlespire, it's creation, overthrow by the forces of Oblivion, and it's downfall. Now, a fragment of that legend has returned to our time, and hovers over the town of Sadrith Mora. A mighty hero is needed to discover
the secrets of The Batt...